Senin, 12 Maret 2012

[I391.Ebook] Fee Download How To Be A 3% Man, Winning The Heart Of The Woman Of Your Dreams, by Corey Wayne

Fee Download How To Be A 3% Man, Winning The Heart Of The Woman Of Your Dreams, by Corey Wayne

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How To Be A 3% Man, Winning The Heart Of The Woman Of Your Dreams, by Corey Wayne

How To Be A 3% Man, Winning The Heart Of The Woman Of Your Dreams, by Corey Wayne

How To Be A 3% Man, Winning The Heart Of The Woman Of Your Dreams, by Corey Wayne

Fee Download How To Be A 3% Man, Winning The Heart Of The Woman Of Your Dreams, by Corey Wayne

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How To Be A 3% Man, Winning The Heart Of The Woman Of Your Dreams, by Corey Wayne

Dear Friend: This book teaches you the hidden secrets to completely understand women. How you can meet and date the type of women you've always wanted and have effortless relationships! How to get a girlfriend. How to date multiple women. How to get your wife or girlfriend back. Turn your girl "friend" into your girlfriend. Live the life of your dreams & accomplish your goals. How to get women to pursue you and approach you first, etc. My book covers both the dating world and long term relationships. You will learn how to meet and date the type of women you've always dreamed of. The best part is you can do this while remaining who you truly are inside. The book teaches you how to create sexual attraction in women & get women to chase & pursue you! It takes you step by step with easy to follow instructions. You will be able to meet women anytime, anyplace, & anywhere... this will give you choice with women. Whether you are single & searching, or already with your dream lady, my book has the secrets most men will never know about women… and… that women don't know about themselves. Why should you buy my book? Because it is the lowest cost and highest perceived value of any other eBook on the subject of pickup skills, dating and relationships. It offers more tips, strategies and techniques than any other book you will find. Unlike most other eBooks that only give you attraction and pick up techniques, my book will teach you how to successfully pickup up women anytime, anyplace and anywhere. Then it will teach you how to transition into dating, getting her to ask YOU to be HER boyfriend, and how to maintain a long term healthy and drama-free relationship free from nagging and arguments. I guarantee it will teach you more than any other book on the subject. PERIOD! What makes me qualified to help you? When I was younger and unsuccessful with women, I had a lot of life success (great career, very successful business, cars, toys, etc.), but when I went out on dates with women I really liked, I would get 2-3 dates max and then the women would never want to see me again, or they wanted to "just be friends." I was a total loser with women. I hated how that made me feel! Everyday I saw guys who were total losers and who had these hot women all over them. I thought... "These guys are no better than me." So I got serious about figuring this stuff out once and for all. I spent five years relentlessly learning, reading, researching, practicing, interviewing and hanging out with men who were really successful with women. Men who were naturally successful with women. The crazy thing was that many of these "naturals" with women were totally broke as a joke, and yet their women totally adored and worshiped them! As the light bulbs went off and I became better not only at modeling their success, but understanding the psychology of why they were successful, my own success really skyrocketed! I got good enough to meet and date a playboy model, a Miss Florida, a Miss America contestant and many other very high quality, gorgeous and successful women. Women who were previously "out of my league." If a regular guy like myself can do it, so can you! The good news is, once you understand the psychology of how a woman thinks, what she emotionally responds to, and what women really want in a man… any guy can duplicate my success. Even if you are not tall, rich or handsome! The "naturals" proved that to me over and over. After you finish reading my eBook, please go to my website and email me with your questions or sign up for my FREE newsletter :) Apply what I teach. It will work for you. From my heart to yours, Corey Wayne PS: If you're a woman, you will love the relationship wisdom in my book. You will learn things you did not even understand or know about yourself and how or why you have behaved in certain ways with certain men. You know the guys I'm talking about :)

  • Sales Rank: #8120 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-08-18
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .61" w x 6.00" l, .84 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 270 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

132 of 138 people found the following review helpful.
Must Read
By dasn0wman
I needed some advice quick because I came upon meeting an amazing woman. Was looking for advice on YouTube and came across to this author's videos which I found very informative and makes total sense. The book gives more details so I highly recommend it.

Wow, where do I start? It seems like I lived through 3 lifetimes and still no success with women. I guess now is as good a time to try to change given it's the new year. I have read countless of these books before and I think this one makes the most sense. It's amazing how much BS is on this topic and there is actually a book out there that teaches you to become friends with a girl first and then tell her that you like her. Ridiculous. DO NOT DO THIS. I HAVE DONE THIS MANY, MANY, MANY TIMES AND FAILED MANY, MANY, MANY TIMES.

I haven't really tested this book's techniques since I just finished the book but I'm pretty sure they will work. Why? Basically, everything this book is telling me NOT to do, I've been doing them my entire life:

-Being insecure, always thinking about other guys and how I compare to them
-Being jealous even though she is not even my girlfriend yet
-Being really down on myself and falling in a deep depression for many months after a failed attempt
-Showing feminine traits and weakness
-Not being strong and decisive, letting the girl take control
-Buying her expensive dinners and gifts on the 1st date, 2nd date, 3rd date, etc, etc...
-Talking too much about myself and trying to impress her with wealth and accomplishments
-Not focusing on giving and only what I will get
-Hanging out with her friends and in so becoming part of the 'group'
-Being a doormat and letting her have her way because I was so 'in love' with her
-Thinking a great date activity is going to the movies
-Not going for the kiss, which again, brings us back to FEAR OF REJECTION AND FAILURE

You know, I'm pretty sure I'm missing tons more, but that was my life. Basically, the author tells you to NOT do these things and more.

The only negatives I have for this book is that the writing doesn't necessarily flow and there are too many stories. I'm a non-fiction reader and would just like facts presented to me quickly. Of course, fiction fans may appreciate this style. So I took off a star in the review because of these minor grievances but otherwise an important book with important information that everybody should know and practice.

The thing that stuck with me is to compare yourself with James Bond. For example, would James Bond care if some other guy is hitting on the girl you like? Heck no, because he's f-ing James Bond. Would James Bond worry if the girl you like is dating another guy? Again, he would be laughing at the other guy. This is the mentality you should have with women which for years I lack. Actually, just a week before I read this book, I was thinking about this guy who I saw hitting on the girl that I like. I mean I didn't even ask this girl out and I'm not even focusing on her but on the guy because I was afraid he would be successful. Weak.

Another useful analogy would be to picture women as cats. Cats need a lot of coaxing and time to get used to you so telling a woman you are in love with her or you want to marry her, right off the bat won't help you.

Basically, the guy needs to be strong, confident, and in control. He needs to be focused on the goal, while at the same time give the woman a fun, comfortable, and enjoyable time. No doubt, easier said than done and will take practice for change to happen.

Another reality check that the book mentions is to just go for women interested in you. Why waste your time with someone who has no interest in you? While this is true, that can only mean if the hot girl you are pursuing is a 9 and you're a 3, chances are bad. This is not always true, though. I myself am probably a 3 or 4 at most but I usually go for women at least a 5, but usually get around that range. There were probably 2 or 3 times I went out with a 8 or 9 so stuff happens. I think that I might have married one of these girls had I have the knowledge possessed in this book at the time.

Another point to learn from only focusing on women interested in you is to stop fixating on just one woman whom you think is your soul mate when she could care less about you. This was a big problem I had in the past and from reading blogs on the internet, a common problem with a lot of guys. I guess somehow I think if I stay the course, she may change her mind miraculously. Again, the cat analogy is important. The woman needs space and time and maybe she will come to you but she may not. If you constantly focus on her and instant messaging her everyday and pursuing her, the cat will not come near you. I actually done this to 2 girls. One had a boyfriend already so I wasn't really putting too much hope on her and she was also engaged. We meet up for dinner like once every 2 months and that's about it. An email once or twice a month. And then suddenly, before I know it, they broke up and I was dating her. It's incredible the crazy stuff that happens when you just forget about her and go with the flow. Now the other girl, I did the total opposite. I was obsessed with her. I instant message her everyday. I told her I was crazy about her and we're not even dating. I told her I'm so jealous of the guy she's dating. Sure enough, nothing happened because not only were we in the friends zone for so long, but I displayed so much weakness that looking back now, there is no wonder she avoided me at all cost. Again it all goes back to James Bond. Would he focus only on one woman? Silly question. Basically, not only does James Bond go out with many women but he focuses on his mission. We can all be better dudes if we find a purpose or goal in life and just focus on that. Everything else will follow. I also recommend the movie "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" which is about this subject as well. It's funny how everything just comes together all of a sudden and hits you. I just feel the movie, this book, and everything happening is happening all at once for a reason.

So fast-forward 5 years to last year. I am finally over that girl I was obsessing. Pathetic, I know. We never even dated. Before my breakdown, I was pretty active and doing stuff everyday like mountain biking, skiing, and snowboarding. But my deep depression from that girl practically put me in a comatose state. I just slept all day. I didn't do anything. I was a walking zombie. Oh, probably the worst thing that I did was spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on expensive stuff because I was so depressed. I finally decided to get out of the rut last year because I was just tired of moping. A whole f-ing world out there and plenty of living to do. Did a lot of travelling, found a new job, basically got my s together.

Which brings me to back to how I got here in the first place, I met this girl. She is not your typical woman and a 11/10. A 11. Perfection. I seriously doubt my chances but at the same time confident and hopeful now that I have knowledge from this book. Fear is such a bitch. It's funny how I'm fearless and so top of my game at the workplace but so weak when it comes to women. I guess when the little lab hamster is shocked each time for biting the cage, he eventually becomes fearful of the cage. Anyway, never again will I live in fear. Try, learn, move on, repeat. Game face. James Bond. Wish me luck.

52 of 58 people found the following review helpful.
It is truly your birthright to have this knowledge.
By Taking Action
This book changed my life. Years before even hearing about this book I met the woman of my dreams. The issue was not finding the woman of my dreams, but having the chance to date her. This woman went away faster than she arrived and I never dated her.
Ironically, I first heard of this book while reading a Men's Health magazine. Like many men out there, I thought improving my physique would be the answer to attracting and dating beautiful women. Deep down i knew something was missing though. Despite creating a great physique for myself, women did not approach me and i certainly did not risk approaching them. Also, I saw some of the scrawniest men dating beautiful women!
I decided to stop spinning my wheels and buy the book finally. It taught me that physique was only a small piece of the pie. A great physique is only a symptom of self improvement, a principle that this book places great emphasis on. In fact, I've learned that attracting beautiful women is a symptom of being your best self.
I am now dating the woman of my dreams I mentioned before and have been for 9 months. This book not only teaches men how to grow some stones and approach women with amazing confidence, it teaches men how to continuously improve themselves, sustain a loving relationship and just have fun with it.
Thanks for all the priceless knowledge and encouragement to take action, Corey Wayne! Thank you for teaching me that it is my birthright to be truly in love with the woman of my dreams.

36 of 40 people found the following review helpful.
everyone should read this book!
By Brittany Tyndall
I found this in my boyfriends closet one day earlier in our relationship(we just passed the 6 month mark), and started reading it, wondering what it was talking about. 3% man just sounded like a strange way to put it. i was sitting on the couch when he came in from work later and he told me he thought i would hate it bc it is so blunt about women, or says that we are so predictable in many different ways. I told him I thought it was good so far, and that its good for me to know what he has been reading about women so i can talk to him about whether i agree or not.
the more i read through this book though, the more i could check off that he had already done, and it had worked, and the reason why was spot on. a lot of women read Why Men Love Bitches, but I think women as well as men should be reading this book, if they are serious about wanting a relationship that will last bc of the things that are done right from the start.

See all 856 customer reviews...

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[I391.Ebook] Fee Download How To Be A 3% Man, Winning The Heart Of The Woman Of Your Dreams, by Corey Wayne Doc

[I391.Ebook] Fee Download How To Be A 3% Man, Winning The Heart Of The Woman Of Your Dreams, by Corey Wayne Doc
[I391.Ebook] Fee Download How To Be A 3% Man, Winning The Heart Of The Woman Of Your Dreams, by Corey Wayne Doc

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