Senin, 30 Juni 2014

[X751.Ebook] PDF Ebook Secrets At Maple Syrup Farm, by Rebecca Raisin

PDF Ebook Secrets At Maple Syrup Farm, by Rebecca Raisin

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Secrets At Maple Syrup Farm, by Rebecca Raisin

Secrets At Maple Syrup Farm, by Rebecca Raisin

Secrets At Maple Syrup Farm, by Rebecca Raisin

PDF Ebook Secrets At Maple Syrup Farm, by Rebecca Raisin

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Secrets At Maple Syrup Farm, by Rebecca Raisin

‘[Rebecca Raisin] is a modern Maeve Binchy’ - Books for Bunny

A truly decadent and delicious romance, perfect for long summer days and nights

Maple sugar kisses

Lucy would do anything for her mom…but she never expected to end up promising to leave her. After her mom got sick, Lucy dropped everything to take care of her, working all hours in a greasy diner just to make ends meet and spending every spare moments she had by her mom’s hospital bedside.

Now, Lucy is faced with a whole year of living by her own rules, starting by taking the first bus out of town to anywhere…

Except she didn’t expect to find her next big adventure just around the corner! Especially when on her first day in town she bumps into grumpy, but oh-so-delicious Clay amidst the maple trees. Surrounded by the magic of Ashford, Lucy has the chance to change her life forever and finally discover a life she wants to live!

Fall in love with Ashford, Connecticut in this dazzling and beautiful romance from bestselling author Rebecca Raisin.

What readers are saying about Secrets at Maple Syrup Farm

‘A touching story mixed with laughter and secrets, a reminder of how important it is to live your own life’ – Reviewed the Book

‘Rebecca’s stories are just like a huge, warm hug, gently enticing you into the heart of Ashford life and making you feel like you belong there. … This book is an absolute joy from start to finish, and I really must implore you to read it!’ – Paris Baker’s Book Nook

‘I smiled, laughed and cried throughout Secrets at Maple Syrup Farm. If you like me are looking for a read that will pull at your heart strings, make you smile and awww then this is a book for you.’ – Crooks on Books

‘another wonderful story set in Ashford and her beautiful writing always adds this unique atmosphere.’ – Sky’s Book Corner

  • Sales Rank: #53692 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-07-17
  • Released on: 2015-07-17
  • Format: Kindle eBook
  • Number of items: 1

'[Rebecca Raisin] is a modern Maeve Binchy' - Books for Bunny 'A touching story mixed with laughter and secrets, a reminder of how important it is to live your own life' - Reviewed the Book 'Rebecca's stories are just like a huge, warm hug, gently enticing you into the heart of Ashford life and making you feel like you belong there. ... This book is an absolute joy from start to finish, and I really must implore you to read it!' - Paris Baker's Book Nook 'I smiled, laughed and cried throughout Secrets at Maple Syrup Farm. If you like me are looking for a read that will pull at your heart strings, make you smile and awww then this is a book for you.' - Crooks on Books 'another wonderful story set in Ashford and her beautiful writing always adds this unique atmosphere.' - Sky's Book Corner

About the Author
Rebecca Raisin is a true bibliophile. This love of books morphed into the desire to write them. She's been widely published in various short story anthologies, and in fiction magazines, and is now focusing on writing romance. The only downfall about writing about gorgeous men who have brains as well as brawn, is falling in love with them - just as well they're fictional. Rebecca aims to write characters you can see yourself being friends with. People with big hearts who care about relationships, and most importantly, believe in true, once in a lifetime love.

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Secrets at Maple Syrup Farm (Once in a Lifetime) ... A Wonderful Read! Reviewed by Loraine Oliver
By Loraine Oliver
Secrets at the Maple Syrup Farm is by an author that is new to me and I loved this book so much I will be reading the rest of her books as well. It's no secret that I love to read books in a series, so when I found out this was just one of several books in this series, I felt less disappointed when I finished, knowing there is more, because this book was so good I got a book hangover from it!

Lucy is a 28 year old girl when we meet her at the beginning of this book, and we quickly find out that she is the sole person taking care of her mother, working two jobs just to keep her mom in treatment and to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. Her mother Crystal suffers from ALS and it is to the point where the doctor is letting Lucy know her mom is going to need around the clock care. Lucy loves her mom so much she would do anything for her including giving up having things for herself, and going out with her friends. Up to this time, Lucy and her mother Crystal lived a nomadic life going from place to place and living "in the moment" travelling anywhere they wanted to, putting away any extra money, then picking up and going somewhere new. So the fact that her mom is restricted to a hospital bed more often than not greatly upsets Lucy, and she does whatever she can to make her mom happy, encouraging her to get better so they can go somewhere new, but both of them secretly knowing that is a thing of the past. Her mother's case is quite advanced. Lucy does not want her mom to be in the hospital for the rest of her life and she is preparing to bring her mom home and take care of her there rather than a nursing home.

One day she goes to see her mom and her mother tells her that she wants her to take a year off and go to the Art Institute in Paris as she is really a gifted artist, but does not have the confidence in herself that her work is great. Lucy is so upset but her mom tells her she is 28 and that she will be there when Lucy gets back and she needs to go tomorrow, gives her what money she has saved up, and tells her to take the first bus out of town, stop there, work and sign up for the Art Institute. She also tells Lucy she has been in touch with her long estranged sister, and that her sister will help her while Lucy is gone. It is with a heavy heart the next day when she gets on the first bus out-to Ashford, Connecticut. Every mile they go, Lucy gets more and more upset.

On the bus she meets CeeCee, a kind woman who immediately takes Lucy under her wing. CeeCee tells her where to go to get lodgings, and tells her when she is through to go to the Gingerbread Cafe where she works. CeeCee feeds her, and she also meets Lily the owner of the Cafe and they tell her that Clay, a new person in town really needs the help at his Maple tree farm desperately and to be strong as Clay is a recluse and they worry about him. She walks down to the Farm and immediately feels a connection to the place, as an artist, she can see the beauty in the trees! She can also feel there is a story in the woods! After a surly Clay grudgingly tells her she can have a job on trial basis. Lucy goes back to town and tells Lily and CeeCee the good news.

There are so many wonderful aspects to this book, the first and foremost being the wonderful cast of supporting characters, and the way they take Lucy into the fold. The plot is filled with things that happen, and add to the story to make it a memorable read, and to keep one guessing! There is a lot of intrigue also, like who was the previous owner of the farm and while Clay does know his uncle left him the farm he knows nothing about him. On the other hand Lucy discovers some amazing things about this man. Everything is falling into place and Clay is starting slowly but surely let Lucy into his life. While digging up the floor to put down new flooring, Lucy discovers a little chest and while Clay wants to just leave it and bury it again, Lucy grabs it!

1 What is in the chest?
2 Why is Clay so secretive?
3 What it the main secret of the farm?
4 Will Lucy get to go to Paris?
5 What does the town do to rally around Clay, whether he wants them to or not?
6 What does Lucy find in an abandoned cottage that she finds on the property Clay had no idea was even there?
7 What will become of Lucy's Mom, and will she and her sister finally make up after almost 30 years?
8 Will Clay and Lucy make a connection?

Read this book, find out what is going on and when you are finished- be prepared for a book hangover! This book touched me on so many levels and it left a warm feeling in my heart when I finished it.

I gave this book 5 stars and recommend it to anyone who loves a good story, filled with intrigue, great characters, and the power of love!

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Could not have loved this more!
By Paris Baker
I absolutely loved Rebecca’s Gingerbread Cafe books, devouring three in one day, so to say I was a little excited about the release of Secrets at Maple Syrup Farm would be a slight understatement!

Within the first few pages, this book had wound its way firmly around my heart, and I knew it was going to be wonderful. I immediately adored Lucy, who works so hard to keep things afloat for her and her sick mum, and their relationship was instantly touching. Not wanting Lucy to miss out on life due to caring for her, her mum makes her promise to take one year away for herself, and Lucy reluctantly agrees.

Soon I found myself squealing aloud as I was reconnected to the residents of Ashford, where Lucy turns up, who feel like sweet old friends that I’ve dearly missed! I’ll make this point now: this book is a perfectly wonderful standalone novel, BUT, I would so recommend reading the others first, that way there’s no spoilers from this one as to how things turn out etc and it all just builds so wonderfully! (They’re only short and sweet and lovely and you can totally devour them in a day anyways!)

Lucy manages to swindle her way into working as a farmer’s assistant for Clay, who’s recently inherited the Maple Syrup Farm. He’s reluctant, but Lucy proves herself a true grafter, and he needs the help. It doesn’t take long for sparks to fly, but Clay is moody, closed-off and often damn rude, and it was a joy to watch their interactions with each other, as well as to discover the secrets hidden at the maple syrup farm.

Honestly, Rebecca’s stories are just like a huge, warm hug, gently enticing you into the heart of Ashford life and making you feel like you belong there. The whole community is just a dream, from CeeCee and Lil to Sarah and Missy, I just adore each of them (not to mention all the swoony men they seem to have around!).

I really could not have loved this more, and I know I am gushing but I am a total Rebecca Raisin fangirl and I’m not afraid to admit it. She has a way of writing which is just so sweet and beautiful, but so at ease – the only negative comment I could make is that it makes me sad that I can’t actually live in Ashford, and that the characters are not actually my friends!

This book is an absolute joy from start to finish, and I really must implore you to read it! An absolute no-brainer in giving Secrets at Maple Syrup Farm five huge stars.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
A Wonderful Read!
By Arlena
Title: Secrets at Maple Syrup Farm
Author: Rebecca Raisin
Publisher: Carina UK
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Secrets at Maple Syrup Farm" by Rebecca Raisin

What I liked about this novel....

This was another one of this author's great novels that I did enjoy reading. It was so interesting to know that Lucy's mum who was suffering from a long term illness wanted her daughter... something special for her daughter. So, we find Lucy on an adventure for a year...ending up in Ashford, Connecticut where her life would be changed forever. Why was that? Lucky was there to live her life to the fullest for one year not worrying of her sick mum. It was there in Ashford that she meets some wonderful people....even that moody Clay who she persuaded to give her a job as a 'farmers assistant' on the Maple syrup farm in which he had inherited. I loved how this author was able to bring the readers back to Ashford, Connecticut which was the home of the famous 'Gingerbread Cafe' that if you are a reader of this author novels you will know all about that cafe... meeting up with many old CeeCee, and Lil to name a few.

Yes, "Secrets at Maple Syrup Farm' is of many secrets that will be dealt with in this read, however, . I was happy to say I was able to guess a few of them early in this well written read. The storyline will keep you turning the pages till the end because you will not want to miss anything. The heroine in the read really loves her mum and wanted to obey her but for me I found it so hard to do what Lucy had done...and that was obeying her mum wishes. The hero, Clay...well I was able to catch what may have been his secret from what this author presented this story... still it was a good read in how this author presented it all to the reader. I don't want to give too much away other than to say pick up "Secrets of Maple Syrup Farm" and see how well this story is brought out. Questions will be answered...Will Lucy decide on the trip to Paris...for a career as an artist or stay in Ashford? Will their be something for Lucky in Ashford besides wanting to be that artist?

What else I liked about this novel...

There was definitely a learning process of how maple syrup is made that this author covers so well in the read and I don't want to leave out all of those good baking descriptions that the ladies of the Gingerbread Cafe turned out as well in the foods you can use with maple syrup. I will say there were a few recipes that were new to me to what you could use maple syrup in!

I will say that it will be interesting to see what more may come of Lucy, Clay and her mum that only this author can do so very well especially in the small town of Ashford....what a great place to live.

See all 43 customer reviews...

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[X751.Ebook] PDF Ebook Secrets At Maple Syrup Farm, by Rebecca Raisin Doc
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