Kamis, 15 April 2010

[G767.Ebook] Ebook Free What Are They Saying about Catholic Ethical Method? (Watsa), by Todd Salzman

Ebook Free What Are They Saying about Catholic Ethical Method? (Watsa), by Todd Salzman

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What Are They Saying about Catholic Ethical Method? (Watsa), by Todd Salzman

What Are They Saying about Catholic Ethical Method? (Watsa), by Todd Salzman

What Are They Saying about Catholic Ethical Method? (Watsa), by Todd Salzman

Ebook Free What Are They Saying about Catholic Ethical Method? (Watsa), by Todd Salzman

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What Are They Saying about Catholic Ethical Method? (Watsa), by Todd Salzman

The always popular What Are They Saying About series introduces readers to the current debate concerning the two predominant Roman Catholic ethical methods that have emerged since Vatican II. The two theories investigated are both grounded in the Catholic natural law tradition and are designated as the Basic Goods Theory (BGT), also known as the "New Natural Law Theory, " and revisionism.

In a clear and concise manner, Todd Salzman investigates what it is that fundamentally divides these two ethical theories and then what has created such animosity and division not only among theologians but also within the Church herself.

This book:

-- proposes a possible basis for common ground and future dialogue.

-- is ideal for use by undergraduate and graduate students, as well as lay readers.

-- sheds new light on the debate for moral theologians.

  • Sales Rank: #1780360 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Paulist Pr
  • Published on: 2003-08-29
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.02" h x .52" w x 5.50" l, .56 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 179 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

A clear and accessible guide to recent debates over moral norms in Catholic moral theology. -- Jean Porter

Salzman provides a service to all who are interested in keeping abreast of the developments in Catholic moral theology. -- Kenneth R. Himes, OFM Professor of Moral Theology Washington Theological Union Past President, Catholic Theological Society of America

Salzman sorts out a long-running dispute in the Church over how to think theologically about the moral life. -- William C. Spohn

About the Author
Todd A. Salzman is an assistant professor of ethics in the Department of Theology at Creighton University.

Most helpful customer reviews

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Book for school.
By jlespinoza
Thanks for having this book readily available. I am using it for school. Just want I needed for class. Thanks, again.

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Five Stars
By a rose by any other name
Thank you

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Five Stars
By Truc

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[G767.Ebook] Ebook Free What Are They Saying about Catholic Ethical Method? (Watsa), by Todd Salzman Doc

[G767.Ebook] Ebook Free What Are They Saying about Catholic Ethical Method? (Watsa), by Todd Salzman Doc
[G767.Ebook] Ebook Free What Are They Saying about Catholic Ethical Method? (Watsa), by Todd Salzman Doc

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