Kamis, 04 Maret 2010

[E617.Ebook] Fee Download Sprig Muslin, by HEYER GEORGETTE

Fee Download Sprig Muslin, by HEYER GEORGETTE

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Sprig Muslin, by HEYER GEORGETTE

Sprig Muslin, by HEYER GEORGETTE

Sprig Muslin, by HEYER GEORGETTE

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Sprig Muslin, by HEYER GEORGETTE

  • Sales Rank: #6281464 in Books
  • Published on: 1956
  • Binding: Hardcover

Most helpful customer reviews

33 of 33 people found the following review helpful.
Georgette Heyer at her funniest (and 'funnest')
By babel
Sprig Muslin has now replaced The Grand Sophy as my favourite Heyer regency. Humour and wit throughout.

The characters are so well-drawn. An ensemble cast, if you will, rather than one prominent main character (like Sophy). We have Sir Gareth Ludlow, a gallant Corinthian, who decides it's his duty to marry. Although there are innumerable eligible females eyeing him, he offers for Lady Hester, a mild, sensible spinster. (Don't you love the descriptor "sensible" -- guaranteed to attract the likes of staid clergymen or widowers with children.) Throw in Amanda, a spirited runaway with a lively imagination, whom, to be honest, I was prepared not to like (I've read too many stories with precocious young ladies who are obnoxious rather than charming), but I found her delightful. Even the secondary characters are funny and have their moments.

A very well-paced, enjoyable, fun story that is more comedy than romance. The whole book had me laughing, and the ending, inexplicably, reminded me of "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum."

28 of 28 people found the following review helpful.
A fun afternoon read
By Ms. Wiz
Let me preface the review by saying I am a long-time fan of Georgette Heyer and regency romance. That being said I found this a really fun read. I liked practical and sensible Hester and the handsome dashing hero Gareth Ludlow who has decided to marry Hester in a marriage of convenience. Much to his surprise she turns him down but before he can work on changing her mind he needs to enlist her aid with a beautiful headstrong runaway -- Amanda. The comedy is provided by the escapades of this young lady as she carefully spins her lies and stories as she searches for her true love. As both Hester and Gareth get caught up in her schemes, they find that love can be found in the most surprising ways. If you like an Austen type read with brilliant conversation and happy endings, then you should enjoy this.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
My first Georgette Heyer read
By Sharon
I've heard that Georgette Heyer is similar to Jane Austen, which is why I've since purchased several Heyer books when they were on sale. This is the first I have read/listened to. I loved it. It reminded me of Sense and Sensibility but was funnier and less tragic. If you like Jane Austen, I recommend Heyer. However, I have also read that Heyer books are very clean. This is true, but there's a lot of sexual innuendo in this particular book, with references to "natural" siblings, mistresses and petticoat lines.

The narrator was outstanding. I'm almost afraid to listen to a Heyer book that is NOT read by Sian Phillips. It was PERFECT. She reminds me of Juliet Stevenson. Highly recommended to traditional Regency fans and fans of Jane Austen.

See all 153 customer reviews...

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[E617.Ebook] Fee Download Sprig Muslin, by HEYER GEORGETTE Doc

[E617.Ebook] Fee Download Sprig Muslin, by HEYER GEORGETTE Doc
[E617.Ebook] Fee Download Sprig Muslin, by HEYER GEORGETTE Doc

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