Minggu, 25 September 2011

[V500.Ebook] Ebook May I Have Your Attention Please?, by James Corden

Ebook May I Have Your Attention Please?, by James Corden

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May I Have Your Attention Please?, by James Corden

May I Have Your Attention Please?, by James Corden

May I Have Your Attention Please?, by James Corden

Ebook May I Have Your Attention Please?, by James Corden

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May I Have Your Attention Please?, by James Corden

As far back as he can remember James Corden has only ever wanted to be in one place: in front of you, doing something to make you laugh, cry, shout, or giggle uncontrollably. At the age of 4, he grandstanded throughout his baby sister's christening, standing on a chair in front of the whole congregation, pulling faces and cracking everyone up. Despite himself, the vicar was impressed. And from then on he couldn't get enough of the spotlight, even when it always seemed to avoid him. Throughout his teens, he and his Dad trudged up and down towards London, getting closer and closer to landing a gig, only to be told 'No' at the last stage. But he never gave up and soon found his whole life turned upside down and inside out by his experience as one Alan Bennett's History Boys. From that moment forth, he's never looked back.

May I Have Your Attention Please? is the warm, cheeky, surprisingly honest and hilarious story of one of our most popular comedy talents. From his antics as one of the founding players of his high-school's first ever rugby team to gaining recognition in the West End, to nationwide fame as the loveably loud Smithy in the award-winning Gavin and Stacey, this is a tenderly told story of what it's like to try, try and try again and - happily - get there in the end.

  • Sales Rank: #977 in Audible
  • Published on: 2011-09-29
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 611 minutes

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
but I give a great mark for this book
By S. Lee
I am not a big fan of autobiographies, but I give a great mark for this book. To me, this portray of James Corden's early life shows that a dream can true, but not without effort. His dream of becoming an actor was a persistent one, but it was not an easy. The numerous failed auditions I think made him grow and this comes out through his writings. His success to fame and then a fall to nadir seem to be surreal, but also a very realistic story. Most people do not have the luxury of staying on the top without any stress, agony and occasional falling back. If you are interested in a story that feels like one written by you, but the person happens to be a celebrity, you will like this book.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Ummmm........so-so ?
By Julie
I love watching clips of James Corden on Youtube, so thought I might enjoy his book. I hate to say it, but the book was a bit of a letdown . He sounded a bit "full of himself", which really doesn't sound very kind . He seems well suited to the show and does a great job and is super funny. Somehow the book missed the mark a bit . Not that funny, and just ok ..... not bad, nor good,
Maybe once he gets older he will have more maturity and more of a story to tell, and learn a bit of humility .

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
excellent book for James Corden fans
By Cathy Cole
If you love James Corden (or Smithy), you will love this book. I laughed out loud while reading it and I don't do that. Great story telling, great behind-the-scenes anecdotes and wonderful insight into the man. Read this book. You are in for a treat.

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Minggu, 18 September 2011

[T858.Ebook] Free Ebook You Must Remember This, by Joyce Carol Oates

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You Must Remember This, by Joyce Carol Oates

You Must Remember This, by Joyce Carol Oates

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You Must Remember This, by Joyce Carol Oates

Joyce Carol Oates's epic novel of an American family in the 1950's probes the tender division between the permissible and the forbidden, between ordinary life and the secret places of the heart. Set in an industrial, working-class town in upstate New York, this book chronicles the frustrating marriage of parents Lyle and Hannah; the idealistic political journey of son Warren, and the passionate, obsessive relationship that develops between 15-year-old Enid Maria and her uncle Felix, a professional boxer twice her age. While brilliantly re-creating a decade that worshipped conformity, You Must Remember This presents the lives of family members that break every convention in the search for meaning and fulfillment.

  • Sales Rank: #431715 in Books
  • Published on: 1998-11-01
  • Released on: 1998-11-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.93" h x .99" w x 6.00" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 448 pages

From Publishers Weekly
Prolific writer Oates demonstrates awesome talent in her new novel, a family saga, set against the backdrop of conservatism that marked America in the 1950s. Through the actions of Lyle Stevick and his family, Oates creates a vivid portrait of bewildered, inarticulate people pushed against the narrow boundaries of their era by their emotions. Lyle is a man of small failures and smaller successes, a dealer in used furniture whose marriage is a continual reminder of one moment's misspent passion. He regards his brother Felix, a boxer, with cynicism born of envy. Lyle loves his children, but clearly does not know them. He is blind to his daughter Enid's affair with the virile Felix. Oates is not easy on her characters. She moves them through McCarthyism, backyard fallout shelters and illegal abortions, slapping them with harsh reflections of their weaknesses. Fully developed, they are described in language that is both elegant and gritty. The scenes between Enid and Felix add a pulsing, sensate eroticism. Infused with narrative energy, this is one of Oates's strongest books in many seasons. 50,000 first printing; major ad/promo; Literary Guild main selection.
Copyright 1987 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From the Publisher
"An American masterpiece . . . Oates' sprawling novel is the definitive history of an era."--James Atlas, Vanity Fair "A fierce vision of America during the 1950s . . . in powerful, meticulous prose."--New York Times

About the Author
In addition to many prize-winning and bestselling novels, including We Were the Mulvaneys, Black Water, and Because It Is Bitter and Because It Is My Heart (available in Plume editions), Joyce Carol Oates is the author of a number of works of gothic fiction including Haunted: Tales of the Grotesque (Plume), a 1995 World Fantasy Award nominee; and Zombie (Plume), winner of the 1996 Bram Stoker Award for Best Horror Novel, awarded by the Horror Writers' Association. In 1994, Oates received the Bram Stoker Lifetime Achievement Award in Horror Fiction. She is the editor of American Gothic Tales and her latest novel is Broke Heart Blues (Dutton). She lives in Princeton, New Jersey.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Three Stars
By livin' the life in AZ
The material was difficult to read at times.

25 of 26 people found the following review helpful.
The 1950's Is The Real Main Character
By Dai-keag-ity
Oates, my favorite writer, refuses to give in to those who would have us think the 1950's were a placid, contented decade of plenty for everyone. In truth they were fraught with perils, economic and social, and under the surface of post-war calm, the decade boiled with tensions that underlay the fears of the American psyche. In these pages, behind the tale of an incestuous love story of a teenaged niece and her half-uncle, a boxer who might merit a title shot, is the Red Scare, the fear of the bomb, the social intolerance of McCarthyism, and the terror of the consequences of straying from the norms the American culture had set.

My favorite scene in this book, and also its most frustrating, is when the father of the family at the heart of this energetic, moody novel, is taken into custody and ruthlessly interrogated by governmental agents, after he is reported for possible "Red sympathies". The cause of this detention? The man had opened an atlas at his store to show an ignorant, argumentative "true blue red-blooded patriotic American" that China, against which the US was at war in Korea at that time, was geographically larger than the United States.

In the '50's, that could be all it took to ruin someone's life.

You Must Remember This IS also the tale of a secret sexual affair between a teenage girl and her own father's half-brother. It begins with one of the most compelling and addicting ten pages in literature, as the girl undertakes a suicide attempt in her family's presence, in the dead of night. This action funnels any worthy reader in for at least the next hundred pages, at which point it becomes too late to turn back: Oates has already woven her spell.

You Must Remember This does not set out to be all things to all readers, but in its tale of tragic love, political intimidation and nuclear fears infiltrating the country's subconscious, it is very nearly that.

17 of 19 people found the following review helpful.
By Guy De Federicis
I ate these words up. Joyce Carol Oate's mastery of language is at the height of it's power in "You Must Remember This". I had to stop and seep in some of her truly inspirational prose, told in such a purposeful, matter-of-fact style, just to remind myself what a gifted writer can accomplish. A sometimes grey-clouded and bountifully absorbing novel depicting the human sexual condition under the colorless factory-lined skies of her native Western New York. I can't recall another book bringing the characters to such full-fledged living form as Ms. Oates does here. From what magic does she compose the radiating brilliance, sensitivity and brutishness, innocence and shrewdness of the character Felix, an ex-boxer who spends his life gallantly seeking the happiness deprived of in childhood. It would seem only a Boxing expert could delve into the mind striking constant chords of revelation and truths and opening the reader's mind to the insights and points of view of boxing. Or the character of Enid, a troubled, too deeply sensitive high-schooler whose mysterious mind and advanced maturity may reflect Ms. Oate's own childhood genius. These pages turn as fast as a high charged suspense novel, it's low-key slowly climaxing appreciation of the human condition result in an intimate bond with the characters and human nature itself. I feared the last handful of pages, so concerned was I that something tragic would happen to these tender, fragile charaters. As a Wesstern New York native I was delighted to read the countless descriptions, some bold others suggestive of this part of New York State where factory-lined horizons, still-water lakes and gaseous colors in the sky can be beautiful. I must say I found the title and conclusion of the book a bit vague but I trust Ms. Oates discetion and understanding that I will be remembering this for quite some time.

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Jumat, 16 September 2011

[D258.Ebook] Download Ebook The Holy War: In Modern English, by John Bunyan

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The Holy War: In Modern English, by John Bunyan

The Holy War is another brilliant allegory of the Christian life by the author of The Pilgrim’s Progress. John Bunyan vividly depicts the internal struggle in the heart and mind of the Christian as a war between Diabolus (Satan) and King Shaddai (God) for the town of Mansoul (man’s soul). Knowing the methods of the enemy is the first step to defeating him, and this is Bunyan’s goal—to make us aware of the war that rages within us throughout our lives. Written in 1682, The Holy War is a masterpiece of Christian literature. Bunyan’s powerful portrayal tells the story of the fall of mankind into sin, the spiritual battle that rages throughout the Christian life, the relentless efforts by Satan to destroy the followers of Shaddai, and the ultimate victory of his Son, Emmanuel. Bunyan has given us an astonishing and life-altering look at the struggles that take place in the battlefield that is the Christian soul. As poignantly true today as it was over 300 years ago, every Christian will see himself in the midst of the same battle because the enemy of our souls never changes his tactics. Why would he, when they are still so effective? “The craft that we call modern, The crimes that we call new, John Bunyan had ’em typed and filed In Sixteen Eighty-two.” —Rudyard Kipling The text has been lightly edited to render it understandable to the modern reader while retaining Bunyan’s voice and inspired writing style. The footnotes and Scripture references included in each chapter make the book ideal for personal or small group study.

  • Sales Rank: #200257 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-06-18
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .62" w x 6.00" l, .81 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 272 pages

About the Author
John Bunyan was an English Christian writer and preacher who is best known for his allegorical novel The Pilgrim s Progress, published in 1678. Bunyan s faith was profoundly influenced by two books owned by his wife: Arthur Dent's Plain Man's Pathway to Heaven and Lewis Bayly's Practice of Piety, and he turned to preaching following the death of his guide and mentor, John Gifford. The restoration of the monarchy of Charles II of England marked England s return to Anglicanism, and Bunyan s freedom to preach was curtailed. He was arrested numerous times for preaching without a licence, and was finally imprisoned for the offence in November 1660. Bunyan was released from prison in January 1672 and resumed preaching (as permitted under the Declaration of Religious Indulgence) until his death in 1688.

Dolores Kimball is an experienced editor and writer whose passion is to explain biblical truth in clear, practical ways that will impact and change lives - especially the lives of women. A Bible study teacher and women's retreat speaker, Dolores has worked as writer and editor for several large Christian ministries including Focus on the Family, David C. Cook, and Compassion International. Formerly Managing Editor of Got Questions Ministries, she is now a freelance writer and editor.

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
John Bunyan (1628 – 1688) wrote in the English of ...
By L. Mitchell
John Bunyan (1628 – 1688) wrote in the English of Chaucer. Few people today would derive any pleasure, or much sense, from reading “The Holy War” as it was originally written and so a modern English version of this classical work is welcome. Dolores Kimball is to be commended for bringing this allegorical story of the Christian life before a 21st century readership.

The story is about the spiritual battle that constantly rages for control of humanity. Two armies are at war. The diabolical forces of darkness and destruction have taken possession of the hearts, minds and souls of humanity. Outside the city are the armies of God, with the Son (Jesus) representing the forces of light and life. To whom will humanity surrender?

The Christian faces a daily battle in this war because the enemy is tenacious. There is much wisdom in Bunyan’s tale and we do well to apply the warnings and counsel to ourselves.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By robert anne clay
fantastic, kudos, hurrahs and attaboys.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By lisa ballard

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Minggu, 11 September 2011

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  • Sales Rank: #1064345 in Books
  • Brand: Zam Zam Publishers
  • Published on: 2007
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 1274 pages

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Philosophical Methodology: The Armchair or the Laboratory?From Routledge

What methodology should philosophers follow? Should they rely on methods that can be conducted from the armchair? Or should they leave the armchair and turn to the methods of the natural sciences, such as experiments in the laboratory? Or is this opposition itself a false one? Arguments about philosophical methodology are raging in the wake of a number of often conflicting currents, such as the growth of experimental philosophy, the resurgence of interest in metaphysical questions, and the use of formal methods.

This outstanding collection of specially-commissioned chapters by leading international philosophers discusses these questions and many more. It provides a comprehensive survey of philosophical methodology in the most important philosophical subjects: metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, phenomenology, philosophy of science, ethics, and aesthetics.

A key feature of the collection is that philosophers discuss and evaluate contrasting approaches in each subject, offering a superb overview of the variety of methodological approaches - both naturalistic and non-naturalistic - in each of these areas. They examine important topics at the heart of methodological argument, including the role of intuitions and conceptual analysis, thought experiments, introspection, and the place that results from the natural sciences should have in philosophical theorizing.

The collection begins with a fascinating exchange about philosophical naturalism between Timothy Williamson and Alexander Rosenberg, and also includes contributions from the following philosophers: Lynne Rudder Baker, Matt Bedke, Greg Currie, Michael Devitt, Matthew C. Haug, Jenann Ismael, Hilary Kornblith, Neil Levy, E.J. Lowe, Kirk Ludwig, Marie McGinn, David Papineau, Matthew Ratcliffe, Georges Rey, Jeffrey W. Roland, Barry C. Smith, Amie L. Thomasson, Valerie Tiberius, Jessica Wilson, and David W. Smith.

  • Sales Rank: #6694845 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-08-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.21" h x 1.00" w x 6.14" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 464 pages


"… few books gather so many top thinkers to explain and compare methodologies. Haug has edited a fascinating volume, asking 20-plus contributors for in-depth reflections about their areas of expertise. … Both nonphilosophers and philosophers will benefit from these engagements. Summing Up: Highly recommended." - CHOICE

"Authored by an outstanding assembly, this collection covers issues of methodology as they arise in the main subfields of philosophy. Anyone who reads it will be brought to the cutting edges." - Ernest Sosa, Rutgers University, USA

"Matthew Haug has assembled a first-rate collection on a timely and important topic. Any reader interested in questions of methodology in the Anglo-American philosophical tradition will find this volume to be brimming with insights." - Tamar Szabo Gendler, Yale University, USA

"This star-studded collection of original essays breaks new ground in the lively debate about how we do philosophy. For the first time, the problems raised by the nature of philosophical methods are examined separately for each of the main areas of philosophy. Highly recommended!" - Edouard Machery, University of Pittsburgh, USA 

About the Author

Matthew Haug is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the College of William and Mary, USA.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
I it has proven very useful and informative in that respect
By A. Moreno
I use this book as fall back on how naturalist inclined philosophers approach philosophical matters.
So far, it has proven very useful and informative in this respect.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Paolo Natali
Great collection of papers

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Rabu, 07 September 2011

[Z441.Ebook] Ebook Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor's Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World (Wiley Finance), by Rahul Saraogi

Ebook Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor's Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World (Wiley Finance), by Rahul Saraogi

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Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor's Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World (Wiley Finance), by Rahul Saraogi

Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor's Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World (Wiley Finance), by Rahul Saraogi

Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor's Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World (Wiley Finance), by Rahul Saraogi

Ebook Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor's Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World (Wiley Finance), by Rahul Saraogi

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Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor's Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World (Wiley Finance), by Rahul Saraogi

A practical, real-world guide to investing in India

India's rapid economic growth offers obvious opportunities for foreign investors, but making wise investing decisions can be difficult for any investor without a deep knowledge of the country and its culture. With a vibrant democracy and an active press, India can be a complex and chaotic place in which investors can find it difficult to make investing decisions with confidence. This book offers an on-the-ground perspective on India from one of India's most successful value investors. Looking deeply into the internal realities that impact India's investment climate, Investing in India helps investors both inside and outside the country cut through the noise and find the facts that truly matter for anyone who wants to invest there.

  • Features charts of stocks, markets, and other helpful Indian economic indicators
  • Offers a real-world look at India's politics and governance; its financial system and capital markets; its asset classes and equity markets; the private equity scene; and the real estate market
  • Written by Indian value investing guru Rahul Saraogi

  • Sales Rank: #1240783 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-04-21
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.30" h x .74" w x 6.30" l, .75 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 176 pages

From the Inside Flap

India’s vibrant democracy, active media, and unique landscape cause many investors to have a love/hate relationship with the country. But India is actually a goldmine of solid investment opportunity, and author Rahul Saraogi is here to explain why. As part of the Wiley Finance Series, Investing in India: A Value Investor’s Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World helps investors understand the markets and economy of India so they can make better investing decisions in this unique part of the world.

Rahul Saraogi is a managing director at Atyant Capital Advisors, and has spent the last 14 years of his career focused exclusively on researching, investigating, and understanding Indian markets. This book is a compilation of his efforts to identify the underlying reality of investment practices in India, offering a unique look at Indian investments from a practitioner’s point of view. His goal is to bridge the gap between the external perception of India and its internal workings, helping investors better engage in the multitude of opportunities that exist in the country.

The book fully explains the Indian economy by providing an overview of the country’s history, government, politics, and media practices. It also includes a discussion of India’s economic models, its different sectors, and its overall infrastructure, including some of the problems plaguing the country. To help investors better navigate the field, a large portion of the book is dedicated to banking systems, financial infrastructure, value investments, and real estate. Also included is information on capital markets and private equity, as well as a look back at the investments that have helped grow the country to its current levels of development. With numerous charts to detail stocks, markets, and other Indian economic indicators that can be utilized for real world application, this book is an exceptional resource for investors looking to tap into this often overlooked market. The book’s companion website provides additional resources for those looking to broaden their understanding of Indian investments, and additional tools that enable sound decision-making as investors expand their portfolios to include Indian holdings.

From the Back Cover

Praise for Investing in India

“Saraogi has attempted the impossible. To capture the soul of the most ancient country on earth and its complex cultural heritage and yet make it contextual for the modern reader with recent incidents requires both scholarship and shrewd insights. Even those who think they know India well will find the book surprising.”

—Vallabh Bhanshali, Co-founder and Chairman, Enam Securities

“Highly recommended. Eerily close to my views and understanding of India. Covers a lot of ground in a short space.”

—Prashant Jain, Chief Investment Officer, HDFC Asset Management

“Rahul did a masterful job decoding the complex DNA of investing in India in this terrific book.”

—Vitaliy N. Katsenelson, CFA, Chief Investment Officer, Investment Management Associates, Inc.

“Investigate before you invest! It is a maxim all value investors abide by. Finally, a book that helps you to do both. A must read for all India hands.”

—Ramesh S. Damani, Member BSE, Mumbai, India

“Rahul Saraogi, one of the bright shining stars of Indian value investing, has written a must-read compendium to investing in India. Leaving behind the hype of many books on emerging markets, Saraogi provides an insider’s view into the opportunities and challenges facing investors in one of the world’s largest economies. Highly recommended!”

—John Mihaljevic, CFA, Managing Editor, The Manual of Ideas

About the Author

RAHUL SARAOGI leads Atyant Capital Advisors, advisor to the Atyant Capital family of funds. In the last 14 years he has focused on the Indian markets. His mission is to consistently identify the best 10-15 investment ideas from among the thousands of publicly-traded Indian corporations. Rahul’s value-based investment philosophy stands apart due to his belief in the paramount importance of corporate governance, specifically how management operates with its minority shareholders in mind. While getting his undergraduate education at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, he discovered Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Benjamin Graham, Phil Fisher, and Robert Cialdini.

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Another Book Review from the Aleph Blog
By David Merkel
I learned a lot from this book. India is an amalgam of nations inside one country. It is difficult to generalize about investing in India but there are a few themes to follow.

Most companies in India have a dominant shareholder, or family of shareholders. As such, though there are some companies like this in the US, the first prism you view any Indian company through is how they treat outside passive minority shareholders, particularly foreign ones. If they constantly give minority shareholders the short end of the stick, no matter how attractive the investment, avoid them.

Analysis of corporate governance is paramount, because it is very difficult to take a company over in a hostile manner. Assume that the present management will never be changed. Does the company still look cheap if the value -destroying management team will remain there?

Analyze capital allocation as well. If management acts like value maximizing businessmen, it could be a good company to invest in. If not, avoid.

Structure of the Book

The book is a slow ramp up as far as business goes, talking about culture, politics, economy, and financial structure, before really digging into investing. These are good things to learn about, but the amount of time the book dedicates to making practical investment decisions in India is maybe 25% of the book.

The Main Problem

After you read this book, you will realize that without detailed local knowledge, you don't stand a chance of investing in public Indian companies directly. As such, the book is of limited value to most people. So, though it is a good book, you probably would not benefit from reading it, aside from learning about Indian culture and government. You would have to build up a lot of knowledge about the Indian families who run public corporations in India -- which ones are favorable to outside passive minority investors, and which are not.

Aside from that, they mention the website for the book, but it is just a collection of documents for the companies mentioned in the book.


India is an unusual country with many challenges. You will learn a lot about it and its economy reading this book. When you are done reading this book, you will likely conclude that investing in Indian companies is best left to local experts like the author. The book gives a good framework, but one embarking upon investing in India will need to develop knowledge of which Indian families treat minority shareholders fairly and who do not.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
You ought to read this book if you are serious about investing in India!!
By Manav M. Choksi
India is a very diverse country that is neither bounded by religion nor language. From understanding the logic of the Indian consumer to those of corporate houses, India has never been an easy country to comprehend. The road to investing in India has never been a straight jacketed one and many MNC’s who failed to gasp this fact have incurred heavy losses.

Investing in India requires a deeper understanding of the beliefs and value system India encapsulates. One needs to understand India’s history, how the government operates, what has been the political landscape etc. Rahul Saraogi has written a wonderful book that exactly captures this spirit. The book is not about how to find a stock in India or how to value one; it is about how India and Indians have been. The author wonderfully captures how the government, media and politics function, how the Indian economy has been and how its various facets agricultural, services and manufacturing have evolved, how different states are shaping up, India’s financial architecture and specifically the banking system and equity markets. The author also devotes a chapter to value investing in India and gives good space to all important aspects such as corporate governance, financial strength, business fundamentals and capital allocation. Throughout the book there are quite relevant real life examples and the author fearlessly states his views on different companies and is not biased.

India is a on the cusp of a major positive breakout owing to many factors, but most important a stable and pro-growth government. Market pundits have been saying India is on its way to a major bull market and this could be a wonderful opportunity to invest in high quality businesses. A serious and long term investor (retail or an institutional) would do himself a favour by reading this book.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
brilliantly edited introduction to value investing in the Indian markets ...
By Ransom Frank Glew
This pithy, 150 page, brilliantly edited introduction to value investing in the Indian markets has hardly a wasted word in it. Dense in information but clearly written, if you want to learn about this subject, this is your book. No hot tips here, just a solid background.
If you want to investigate further, the companion website has a plethora of links to additional information.

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Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor's Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World (Wiley Finance), by Rahul Saraogi PDF
Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor's Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World (Wiley Finance), by Rahul Saraogi EPub
Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor's Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World (Wiley Finance), by Rahul Saraogi Doc
Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor's Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World (Wiley Finance), by Rahul Saraogi iBooks
Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor's Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World (Wiley Finance), by Rahul Saraogi rtf
Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor's Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World (Wiley Finance), by Rahul Saraogi Mobipocket
Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor's Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World (Wiley Finance), by Rahul Saraogi Kindle

[Z441.Ebook] Ebook Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor's Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World (Wiley Finance), by Rahul Saraogi Doc

[Z441.Ebook] Ebook Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor's Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World (Wiley Finance), by Rahul Saraogi Doc

[Z441.Ebook] Ebook Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor's Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World (Wiley Finance), by Rahul Saraogi Doc
[Z441.Ebook] Ebook Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor's Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World (Wiley Finance), by Rahul Saraogi Doc

Sabtu, 03 September 2011

[M433.Ebook] PDF Download Redox BiochemistryFrom Wiley

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Redox BiochemistryFrom Wiley

This is the premier, single-source reference on redox biochemistry, a rapidly emerging field. This reference presents the basic principles and includes detailed chapters focusing on various aspects of five primary areas of redox biochemistry: antioxidant molecules and redox cofactors; antioxidant enzymes; redox regulation of physiological processes; pathological processes related to redox; and specialized methods. This is a go-to resource for professionals in pharmaceuticals, medicine, immunology, nutrition, and environmental fields and an excellent text for upper-level students.

  • Sales Rank: #3708178 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2007-12-17
  • Released on: 2007-11-27
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From the Back Cover
The premier, single-source reference on redox biochemistry

Recent advances in systems biology have led to the realization that redox reactions play an important role in many diseases. Consequently, redox biochemistry is a rapidly emerging field. After an introduction that presents the basic principles, this comprehensive resource includes chapters focusing on various aspects of five primary areas of redox biochemistry:

  • Antioxidant molecules and redox cofactors

  • Antioxidant enzymes

  • Redox regulation of physiological processes

  • Pathological processes related to redox

  • Specialized methods

With articles contributed by internationally known experts in their areas of expertise, Redox Biochemistry spans a wide range of topics, including redox enzymology, mycobacterial drug targets, immunology, neurophysiology and oxygen sensing, electrophysiology of macrophage activation, circadian rhythms, and many more. The text discusses the role of redox biochemistry in medicine, including relevance to carcinogenesis, cardiovascular diseases, cataracts/lens biochemistry, immunology, nutrition, and microbial pathogenesis.

With color throughout, numerous formulas, figures, and tables, and references to related resources, this is an excellent text for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, medicine, environmental, and nutrition studies. It's also a go-to resource for practicing professionals in pharmaceuticals, medicine, immunology, nutrition, and environmental fields.

About the Author
Ruma Banerjee, PhD, is the Vincent Massey Collegiate Professor of Biological Chemistry at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She was the founding director of the Nebraska Redox Biology Center. Dr. Banerjee has published over one hundred articles and several book chapters, and edited The Chemistry and Biochemistry of Vitamin B-12 (Wiley).

Drs. Becker, Dickman, Gladyshev, and Ragsdale are the Associate Editors and were all members of the Redox Biology Center at the University of Nebraska when this book project began. Drs. Dickman and Ragsdale are currently at Texas A&M and the University of Michigan respectively.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent for beginners
By Ana
I found this book very helpful in looking at different antioxidants, enzymes and pathways involved in redox. The information is very concise and for someone just starting out in this field this book is much better than reading as many review articles. Mainly, because the descriptions give just enough information to understand the mechanism and relevance of each compound/pathway. There are not many references given so if you need more specific information about a topic this isn't the right book.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Not enough background info
By Christopher H.
This book is concise and covers wide range of topics. However, the background info is insufficient, and thus, I would not recommend this book for a true beginner. It requires some level of foundational chemical as well as biological knowledge to understand the concepts presented in this book. If you need a superficial reading on various topics on oxidative stress/antioxidant system/redox system, then this book is for you. However, I would rather recommend Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine instead if you need an in-depth understanding of the redox system.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Great resource for redox systems
By Nix2222
I started refering to the book for a redox biochemistry course. During the course realised that the book deals with almost all redox related events in a cell - the redox enzymes & pathways, small molecules, free radicals and pathological consequences.
A review article can be referred if more information is needed about a specific system. But overall this book is a great resource to learn & integrate redox systems.

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